Sunday, March 14, 2021

MARCH 2021: Drummer's New Friends

Liesel discovered me through our both being in the Whidbey Island Arts Guild called the Island Bohemians. She and her parents, Luther and Tricia own two Irish Wolfhounds named Katie and Clare. They are 18 months old, and as it turns out they live only five minutes from Drummer and I. The two of them ran around like the adolescents they are, while Drummer chewed on their bones, and acted like an old man- but his usual gentle, friendly self.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wolfhound Puppy - One Month Later

 Drummer and I were again at the Double Bluff beach dog park, and by coincidence ran into Grim and his owners Boone and Katy. All the more incredible because they live in Seattle, but they came to stay overnight on Whidbey for Katy's birthday. Amazingly Grim is noticeably bigger in just a month. Drummer hasn't changed in a month, but has overcome his latest bout with inflammatory colitis with an even more rarified and expensive diet. We had some drama when another dog grabbed Grim's ear and wouldn't let go. Katy was the only one who drew blood in the scramble to get the other dog to let go.